Candlesnuff Fungus

Xylaria hypoxylon

10th November 2017, Cobham Park
Appeared to be growing from earth but think they were on buried wood as they were very firmly rooted. A few scattered around. Up to 4cm high. No smell. This must be Candlesnuff, although I've not heard of it ever growing on buried wood rather than just wood.

14th November 2015, Andrew’s Wood near Shoreham
Growing on rotting mossy logs. Many all over the logs. 1-3cm long. My spore size measurements are too small but it must be Candlesnuff so the nature of the spores must make them somehow misdirecting. Sporeprint white. Spores 8-10.5µ x 2-4µ.

14th November 2014, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing on dead beech. A few scattered. Didn't get a very good photo as they weren't many.
